Record a Video Interview using a Smartphone/Tablet

You will need a Smartphone/Tablet that has a Camera, Mic, Internet connection and can access Apple's App Store (Iphone, Ipad) or Google's Play store (Android devices).

Check your Internet Connection

Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet. If you live in a remote area or you believe your internet connection is not stable, please complete the interview using a Phone Call.

Open the Invitation Email

Open your email in the phone/tablet you want to use to record this interview. Search your inbox for an email titled - 'Online Interview Invitation from Aero-Care'. This email has your Interview Link. Click on this link or copy + paste it in Google Chrome/Firefox.

Complete a short questionnaire.

Click the 'Continue' button on the Welcome screen and complete a short questionnaire. Please Note : Whether you have to complete a questionnaire or not depends on the company that you applied to. Some companies like Aerocare ask their applicants to complete a Short Questionnaire before the Interview. The application will only ask you to answer this questionnaire once. If you move to a different device to record your interview, you won't have to re-answer the questionnaire again.

Download the App

After you have completed the questionnarie, you will arrive at a page that will ask you to 'Download the App'. If that button doesn't work for you use the following links:
iPhones and iPads
Android phones and tablets, such as a Samsung Galaxy

Launch the App

Go back to your browser and click on 'Launch the App'. The app won't open if you try to open it like any other app.

Camera and Mic testing

After the app has successfully opened, click on the 'Start' button. The app will now make you run through some Camera and mic tests. Part of this test, the app will make you record a 10 second video of yourself, and will play it back to you. The interviewer won't see this recording. Please Note : We have displayed black screens in the pictures here, but you should be able to see yourself instead. If you see black screens, that means your Camera is not working with the application (please skip to Step 8).

Start the Interview

If all of your tests went successfully, you can start recording your interview now. The application will play you a welcome message first. Then it will ask you questions related to the role you applied for one-by-one.

Had issues ?

If your experienced issues during this setup process, please try recording your interview via a Phone call - by clicking Complete this step using a phone call. You can also refer to our FAQ page for more support.